- Gieras, J.F., Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 340 pages, ISBN 1-4020-2661-7, (2004); doi: 10.1007/1-4020-2720-6 (Kluwer) (Amazon) - Gieras, J.F., Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines, (Second Edition) Springer, 375 pages,
ISBN 978-1-4020-6993-2, (2008) (incl. CD-ROM); doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8227-6 (Springer) (Amazon) - Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J. (Eds.), The Study of Emerging Electrical Machine Technologies and Their Applications, MDPI, Basel,
248 pages, ISBN 978-3-0365-7567-4, (2023); doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-7567-4 (Mdpi AG) (Amazon)
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Advancements in electrical marine propulsion technologies: a comprehensive overviewā€¯, SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 14--29, March 2025, doi: 10.23919/SAIEE.2025.10755059 (open access)
- Eichin, F., Kamper, M.J., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Symmetrical short-circuit behavior prediction of rare-earth permanent magnet synchronous motors", World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1--22, Art no. 536, November 2024, doi: 10.3390/wevj15110536 (open access)
- Mugyema, M, Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Sebitosi, A.B., "Performance and cost comparison of drive technologies for a linear electric machine gravity energy storage system," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 46953--46966, March 2024, doi: 10.1109/access.2024.3383161 (open access)
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design and optimisation of a 5-MW permanent magnet vernier motor for podded ship propulsion," World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1--21, March 2024, Art no. 119, doi: 10.3390/wevj15030119 (open access)
- Wang, R-J., Holm, S.R., Scheepers, J., Gerber, S., "Load angle of flux modulated magnetic gears," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, (PIER C), vol. 132, pp. 255--269, 2023; doi: 10.2528/pierc23031603 (open access)
- Teymoori, V., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Kennel, R., "Sensorless control of dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines - A review," Energies, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1--21, January 2023, Art no. 1326, doi: 10.3390/en16031326 (open access)
- Mugyema, M, Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Sebitosi, A.B., "Levelised cost of storage comparison of energy storage systems for use
in primary response application," Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 59, pp. 1--14, March 2023, Art no. 106573, doi: 10.1016/j.est.2022.106573 - Schommarz, P.D., Wang, R-J., "Development of a transient synchronization analysis tool for line-start PM motors," Energies, vol. 15, no. 23,
pp. 1--31, December 2022, Art no. 9206, doi: 10.3390/en15239206 (open access) - Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., "Prospect of PM vernier machine for wind power application," Energies, vol. 15, no. 13, pp. 1--26, July 2022, Art no.
4912, doi: 10.3390/en15134912 (open access) - Idoko, H.C., Akuru, U.B., Wang, R-J., Popoola, O., "Potentials of brushless stator-mounted machines in electric vehicle drives - a literature review," World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1--26, May 2022, Art no. 93, doi: 10.3390/wevj13050093 (open access)
- Pastellides, S., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., "Evaluation of drive cycle-based traction motor design strategies using gradient optimisation," Energies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1--21, February 2022, Art no. 1095, doi: 10.3390/en15031095 (open access)
- Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design optimisation and cost analysis of linear vernier electric machine-based gravity energy storage systems," Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 44, part B, pp. 1--14, December 2021, Art no. 103397, doi: 10.1016/j.est.2021.103397
- Palangar, M.F., Soong, W.L., Bianchi, N., Wang, R-J., "Design and optimisation techniques in performance improvement of line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors: a review," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 1--14, September 2021, Art no.
900214, doi: 10.1109/tmag.2021.3098392 - Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J. and Chama, A., "Analytical modelling of surface-mounted and consequent-pole linear Vernier hybrid machines," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 26251--26259, February 2021; doi: 10.1109/access.2021.3057716 (open access)
- Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., "Design and performance comparison of Vernier and conventional PM synchronous wind generators," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 2570--2579, May/Jun 2020; doi: 10.1109/ tia.2020.2979111 (PDF)
- Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Multi-objective design of a line-start PM motor using the Taguchi method," IEEE Transactions
on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 4167--4176, September-October 2018; doi: 10.1109/tia.2018.2834306 (PDF) - Matthee, A., Wang, R-J., Agenbach, C.J., Els, D.N.J., Kamper, M.J., "Evaluation of a magnetic gear for air-cooled condenser applications,"
IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 677--683, May 2018; doi: 10.1049/iet-epa.2017.0714 (open access) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Cogging torque definitions of magnetic gears and magnetically geared machines," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1--9, April 2018, Art no. 8103209; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2017.2784823 (PDF)
- Chama, A., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Newton-Raphson solver for finite element methods featuring nonlinear hysteresis models," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1--8, January 2018, Art no. 7400108; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2017.2761319 (PDF)
- Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Taguchi method in electrical machine design," SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 108, no. 4,
pp. 150--164, December 2017; doi: 10.23919/saiee.2017.8531928 (open access) - Wang, R-J., Matthee, A., Gerber, S., Tlali, P.M., "Calculation of torque performance of a novel magnetic planetary gear," IEEE Magnetics Letters, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 1--5, 2016, Art no. 1303805; doi: 10.1109/lmag.2016.2564948 (PDF)
- Tlali, P.M., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Optimal design of an outer-stator magnetically geared permanent magnet machine," IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 1--10, February 2016, Art no. 8100610; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2015.2487886 (PDF) - Chama, A., Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., "Analytical synchronization analysis of line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors,"
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, (PIER M), vol. 48, pp. 183--193, 2016; doi: 10.2528/pierm16050311 (open access) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Design and evaluation of a magnetically geared PM machine," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 8,
pp. 1--10, August 2015, Art no. 8107010; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2015.2421474 (PDF) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Evaluation of movement facilitating techniques for finite element analysis of magnetically geared electrical machines," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1--6, February 2015, Art no. 7400206; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2014.2351787 (PDF)
- Wang, R-J., Brönn, L., Gerber, S., Tlali, P.M., "An axial flux magnetically geared PM wind generator," IEEJ Transactions on Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, vol. 10, issue S1, pp. 123--132, October 2015; doi: 10.1002/tee.22173 (PDF) - Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., "Magnetically geared wind generator technologies: opportunities and challenges," Applied Energy, vol. 136, pp. 817--826, Elsevier, November 2014; doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.079
- Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Rossouw, F.G., "Analysis and performance of axial flux permanent magnet machine with air-cored non-overlapping
concentrated stator windings," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 1495--1504, September/October 2008;
doi: 10.1109/tia.2008.2002183 (PDF) - Kamper, M.J., Rasmeni, S., Wang, R-J., "Finite element time-step simulation of the switched reluctance machine drive under single pulse mode
operation," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 3202--3208, July 2007; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2007.892792 (PDF) - Sibande, S.E., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design and performance evaluation of a medium power PM-assisted reluctance synchronous
traction machine using bonded PM-sheets," SAIEE Africa Research Journal, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 14--21, March 2006; doi: 10.23919/saiee.2006. 9488021 (open access) - Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., Dobson, R.T., "Development of a thermofluid model for axial field permanent magnet machines," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 80--87, March 2005; doi: 10.1109/tec.2004.837301 (PDF)
- Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., van der Westhuizen, K., Gieras, J.F., "Optimal design of a coreless stator axial field permanent magnet generator," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 55--64, January 2005; doi: 10.1109/tmag.2004.840183 (PDF)
- Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., "Calculation of eddy current loss in axial field permanent magnet machine with coreless stator," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 532--538, September 2004; doi: 10.1109/tec.2004.832043 (PDF)
- Wang, R-J., Mohellebi, H., Flack, T.J., Kamper, M.J., Buys, J.D., Feliachi, M., "Two-dimensional Cartesian air-gap element (CAGE) for dynamic finite-element modeling of electrical machines with a flat air gap," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1357--1360, March 2002; doi: 10.1109/20.996024 (PDF)
- Wang, R-J., Dobson, R., Kamper, M.J., "Thermofluid analysis of an axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) generator," SAIMechE. R & D Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 18--26, March 2001 (ISSN 0257-9669) (Silver medal prize from SA Institution of Mechanical Engineering)
- Wang, R-J., Gieras, J.F., Ronda, J., "Analysis of forces in a hybrid linear stepping motor," Electromotion, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 15--20,
January-June 1997 (ISSN 1223 - 057X) - Li, D., Wang, R-J., "Analysis of waveguide to microstrip transition," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 128--130, March 1992; doi: 10.1002/mop.4650050310
- Eichin, F., Kamper, M.J., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "On the effect of permanent magnet eddy currents during dynamic short-circuits in traction motors", International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2024, 6p, doi: 10.1109/ICEM60801.2024.10700273
- Guo, L., Lu, Y., Li, J., Wang, R-J., "Semi-analytical calculation of AC copper loss in flat wire windings considering PWM harmonics", International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2024, pp. 1--7, doi: 10.1109/ICEM60801.2024.10700059
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Optimization and comparative analysis of magnet shapes in 5 MW PMVMs for marine propulsion", International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), Torino, Italy, 1-4 Sept. 2024, pp. 1--7, doi: 10.1109/ICEM60801.2024.10700532
- Teymoori, V., Dastres, H., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Improved fixed time sliding mode observer for sensorless operation of permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbine", IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, (CCECE), Kingston, ON, Canada, 6-9 August 2024, pp. 56--61, doi: 10.1109/CCECE59415.2024.10667340
- Arish, N., Dramat, A.Z., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Phumudzo, M., "Design and optimization of fractional slot concentrated winding PM
vernier motor," Proc. of the 32nd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), pp. 1--6, 24-25 January 2024,
Stellenbosch, doi: 10.1109/saupec60914.2024.10445038 (PDF) - Arish, N., Teymoori, V., Dube, L., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Comparative analysis of PM and non-PM design options for small-scale wind generators," Proc. of the 32nd Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), pp. 1--6, 24-25 January 2024,
Stellenbosch, doi: 10.1109/saupec60914.2024.10445083 (PDF) - Teymoori, V., Kamper, M.J., Garner, G., Wang, R-J., "Comparison of sensorless control methods of PMSM ship propulsion drives", International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Energy Technologies, (ICECET), Cape Town, 16-17 November 2023, pp. 1--7, doi: 10.1109/icecet58911.2023.10389590
- Dube, L., Kamper, M.J., Ockhuis, D., Garner, K., Wang, R-J., "On-shore battery-storage strong-grid-forming wind generator systems", 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 5-8 November 2023, pp. 5348--5353, doi: 10.1109/icems59686.2023.10344488 (Best paper prize)
- Mugyema, M., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design options and considerations of a linear flux switching machine for dry gravity energy storage", 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 5-8 November 2023, pp. 5053--5057, doi: 10.1109/icems59686.2023.10344987
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Performance of large low-pole-ratio non-overlap-winding PM vernier motor", 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 5-8 November 2023, pp. 5255--5260, doi: 10.1109/icems59686.2023.10344936
- Teymoori, V., Ghalebani, P., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Sensorless adaptive PI control of high-power-propulsion PMSM based on sliding-mode extremum seeking algorithm", 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 5-8 November 2023, pp. 5158--5163, doi: 10.1109/icems59686.2023.10345350
- Teymoori, V., Dastres, H., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Arish, N., "Sensorless control of DTP-PMSM ship-propulsion drives by using nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode observer", 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 5-8 November 2023, pp. 4257--4262, doi: 10.1109/icems59686.2023.10344422
- Eichin, F., Kamper, M.J., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Accurate prediction of three-phase short-circuit currents of PM synchronous machines", International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, (PEMD), Brussels, Belgium, 23-24 October 2023, pp. 394--401, doi: 10.1049/icp.2023.2028
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Performance comparison of 5-MW normal and dual three-phase PM vernier motors for ship propulsion", 2023 International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, (ACEMP) & 2023 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, (OPTIM), Istanbul, Turkiye, 1-3 September 2023, pp. 1--8, doi: 10.1109/acemp-optim57845.2023.10287025
- Teymoori, V., Dastres, H., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Arish, N., "Enhanced fast terminal sliding mode observer for wide-speed sensorless control of PM vernier ship propulsion machine drives", 2023 International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, (ACEMP) & 2023 International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, (OPTIM), Istanbul, Turkiye, 1-3 Sept. 2023, pp. 1--7, doi: 10.1109/acemp-optim57845.2023.10287020
- Mugyema, M., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design optimisation of a linear wound field flux switching machine for dry gravity energy storage", 14th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry, (LDIA), Hannover, Germany, 28-30 June 2023, pp. 1--5, doi: 10.1109/ldia59564.2023.10297529
- Mugyema, M., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design and evaluation of a linear permanent magnet flux switching machine for use in dry gravity energy storage", 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference, (INTERMAG), Sendai, Japan, 15-19 May 2023, pp. 1--5, doi: 10.1109/ intermag50591.2023.10265013
- Mugyema, M., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Performance evaluation of a linear vernier hybrid machine for use in dry gravity storage," 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), Valencia, Spain, 5-8 September 2022, pp. 1675--1681, doi: 10.1109/icem51905.2022.9910727
- Mugyema, M., Rabadia, M.M., Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Design and control of a linear electric machine based gravity energy storage system," 30th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), 25-27 January 2022, Durban, pp. 1--8; doi: 10.1109/saupec55179.2022.9730745
- Wu, L., Li, J., Lu, Y., Wang, R-J., He, K., Wang, H., Sun, J., "Research and experimental evaluation on the control strategy of the linear induction motor for Maglev", 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry, (LDIA), Wuhan, China, July 2021, pp. 1--6, doi: 10.1109/ldia49489.2021.9505797
- Arish, N., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., "Electromagnetic analysis of flux barrier U-shaped
permanent magnet Vernier motor," 2021
International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, (ACEMP) & 2021 International Conference on
Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, (OPTIM), 2-3 September 2021, Brasov, Romania, pp. 198--204; doi: 10.1109/optim-acemp50812.2021.9590067 (PDF) - Du Plessis, F., Pastellides, S.G., Wang, R-J., "Design and comparison of three surface-mounted PM motors for a light electric vehicle," 2021 Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 2021, pp. 1--6; doi: 10.1109/saupec/robmech/prasa52254.2021.9377239 (PDF)
- Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., "PM Vernier machine for utility scale wind generator applications: design and evaluation," Proc. of XXIV International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp.2637--2643, 23-26 August 2020, Gothenburg; doi: 10.1109/icem49940.2020.9270837 (PDF)
- Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Traction motor optimization using mesh reshaping for gradient evaluation," Proc. of XXIV International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 2546--2552, 23-26 August 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden; doi: 10.1109/icem49940.2020.9270711 (PDF)
- Pastellides, S.G., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., Kamper, M.J., "Design of a surface-mounted PM motor for improved flux weakening performance," Proc. of XXIV International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 1772--1778, 23-26 August 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden; doi: 10.1109/icem49940.2020.9270671 (PDF)
- Botha, C.D., Kamper, M.J., Wang, R-J., Sorgdrager, A.J., "Force ripple and cogging force minimisation criteria of single-sided consequent-pole linear vernier hybrid machines," Proc. of XXIV International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 469--475, 23-26 August 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden; doi: 10.1109/icem49940.2020.9270845 (PDF)
- Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J, Grobler, A.J., "Robust torque ripple mitigation of a line-start PMSM by means of the Taguchi method," 2019
Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South
Africa, (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA), pp. 259--264, 28-30 January 2019, Bloemfontein; doi: 10.1109/robomech.2019.8704771 (PDF) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J, "Reduction of inverter-induced shaft voltages using electrostatic shielding," 2019 Southern African Universities
Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA), pp. 310--315, 28-30 January 2019, Bloemfontein; doi: 10.1109/robomech.2019.8704702 (PDF) (Best paper prize) - Masuku, T.M., Wang, R-J, Botha, M., Gerber, S., "Design strategy of traction induction motors," 2019 Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA),
pp. 316--321, 28-30 January 2019, Bloemfontein; doi: 10.1109/robomech.2019.8704761 (PDF) - Pastellides, S., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Design strategy and comparison of four PM motor topologies for a 2 kW traction application," 2019
Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South
Africa, (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA), pp. 358--363, 28-30 January 2019, Bloemfontein; doi: 10.1109/robomech.2019.8704829 (PDF) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Comparison of three prototype flux-modulating permanent magnet machines," XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 2072--2078, 3-6 September 2018, Alexandroupoli, Greece; doi: 10.1109/icelmach.2018.8506736 (PDF)
- Agenbach, C.J., Els, D.N.J., Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., "Force and vibration analysis of magnetic gears," XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 752--758, 3-6 September 2018, Alexandroupoli, Greece; doi: 10.1109/icelmach.2018.8506690 (PDF)
- Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., "Comparison of PM Vernier and conventional synchronous 15 kW wind generators," Proc. of XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 2065--2071, 3-6 September 2018, Alexandroupoli, Greece; doi: 10.1109/icelmach.2018.8506882 (PDF)
- Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Design optimization of a line-start PMSM considering transient and steady-state performance objectives," Proc. of IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, (ECCE), pp. 5057--5064, 1-5 October 2017, Cincinnati, USA;
doi: 10.1109/ecce.2017.8096853 - Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., "Mass and volume optimization of a permanent magnet vernier machine," Proc. of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), pp. 315--319, 30 January-1 February 2017, Stellenbosch (PDF)
- Chama, A, Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Formulation of an alternative analytical solution technique for magnetostatic field problems," Proc. of the
25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), pp. 305--308, 30 January-1 February 2017, Stellenbosch (PDF) - Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Transient performance optimisation of line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors using Taguchi based regression rate method,"
Proc. of the 25th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC),
pp. 94--99, 30 January-1 February 2017, Stellenbosch (PDF) - Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Statistical analysis of cogging torque considering various manufacturing imperfections," XXII International Conference
on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), pp. 2066--2072, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 September 2016; doi: 10.1109/icelmach.2016.7732807 (PDF) - Chama, A., Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., "Synchronization criteria of line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors: a revisit,"
Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-28 January 2016;
doi: 10.13140/rg.2.1.3218.2803 (PDF) - Tlali, P.M., van der Merwe, J.D.G., Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., "Design aspects of a magnetically geared permanent magnet machine with an
outer-stator," Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-28 January 2016; doi: 10.13140/rg.2.1.2693.9927 (PDF) - Smit, Q., Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., "Design and optimisation of a line-start synchronous reluctance motor," Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-28 January 2016; doi: 10.13140/rg.2.1.4266.8560 (PDF)
- Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Design and evaluation of a PM Vernier machine," Proc. of IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, (ECCE), pp. 5188--5194, Montreal, Canada, 20-24 September 2015; doi: 10.1109/ecce.2015.7310390
- Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Transient performance investigation and Taguchi optimization of a line-start PMSPM,"
Proc. of IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference, (IEMDC), Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States, pp. 590--595, 10-13 May 2015; doi: 10.1109/iemdc.2015.7409118 - Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Grobler, A.J., "Retrofit design of a line-start PMSM using the Taguchi method," Proc. of IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference, (IEMDC), Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States, pp. 489--495, 10-13 May 2015;
doi: 10.1109/iemdc.2015.7409103 - Sorgdrager, A.J., Smith, R., Wang, R-J., "Rotor design of a line-start permanent magnet synchronous machine using the Taguchi method,"
Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, South Africa, pp. 227--232, 28-29 January 2015 (PDF) (Best paper prize) - Sorgdrager, A.J., Wang, R-J., Pfeffer, A.K., "Optimisation of a line-start permanent magnet synchronous machine for a load specific application," Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, pp. 216--220, 28-29 January 2015 (PDF)
- Matthee, A., Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "A high performance concentric magnetic gear," Proc. of the Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference, (SAUPEC), Johannesburg, South Africa, pp. 203--207, 28-29 January 2015; doi: 10.13140/rg.2.1.1493.6167 (PDF)
- Tlali, P.M., Wang, R-J., Gerber, S., "Magnetic gear technologies: a review," Proc. of International Conference on Electrical Machines, (ICEM), Berlin, Germany, pp. 544--550, 2-5 September 2014; doi: 10.1109/icelmach.2014.6960233
- Gerber, S., Wang, R-J., "Analysis of the end-effects in magnetic gears and magnetically geared machines," Proc. of International Conference
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