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Sun Space and Information Systems

(kortweg SunSpace) is tot stand gebring om Sunsat-tegnologie te ontwikkel en te kommersialiseer.
SunSpace het noue bande met die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (dis 'n assosiaat-maatskappy van Unistel, in volle besit van die Universiteit) en beset kantoor- en laboratoriumruimte in die Fakulteit Ingenieurswese se Algemene gebou.
'n Tegnologie-oordrag en satelliet-bou kontrak, wat onlangs met 'n oorsese kliënt gesluit is, is reeds in volle swang.

Sun Space and Information Systems

(SunSpace in short) was formed to expand and commercialise the Sunsat technology.
SunSpace has close links with Stellenbosch University (it is an associate company of Unistel which is wholly owned by the University) and occupies office and lab space inside the General building of the Faculty of Engineering.
A technology transfer and satellite contract was recently signed and started with an overseas client.

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What is SUNSAT ?


Sunsat is a micro-satellite built by post-graduate engineering students in the Electronic Systems Laboratory, in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch.It was launched in 1999 on a Delta II Launch Vehicle. Payloads include NASA experiments, Radio Amateur communications, a high resolution imager, precision attitude control, and school experiments. SUNSAT was launched on the 11th attempt at 10h29:45 GMT on 23 February 1999.



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