
Stellenbosch University National Research Foudation Centre for High Performance Computing EMSS

Group Members

Neilen Marais
Postdoctoral researcher

Neilen recently returned to Academia for a 6 month sabbatical from commercial work at Magus (Pty) Ltd. He has been a member of the computational electromagnetics group (CEMAGG) at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department since starting his Msc.Ing in 2001, with several breaks since then. He is currently doing postdoctoral research for the South African SKA project (SKA SA), and will be joining SKA SA fulltime in September 2011.

His research interests relate to Computational Electromagnetics in general, but more specifically to enhancing the efficiency of finite element methods. Prior research has included: the use of higher order and curvilinear elements; hybrid time domain methods featuring hybrid meshes, hybrid implicit and explicit operation and the use of higher order field discretisation; the efficient use of very high level languages (Python in particular) for finite element programming. Current research focusses on the efficient simulation of large planar arrays for use in radio astronomy.


  • download external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, A Comparison of Some Finite Element Time Domain Formulations in Electromagnetics, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA’11, September 2011, (Accepted, not yet printed).
  • external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Efficient High-Order Implicit/Explicit Hybrid FETD Methods for Microwave Electromagnetics, 10th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, Meredith Falls, New Hampshire, USA, October 2010, (Abstract only).
  • external N. Marais, D.B. Davidson, Efficient high-order time domain hybrid implicit/explicit FEM Methods for Microwave Electromagnetics, Electromagnetics, Vol 30, Number 1-2, January 2010, pp. 127--148.
  • download external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Validating a high-order time domain hybrid implicit/explicit FEM implementation, 11th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA’09, September 2009, 331--334.
  • external D.B. Davidson and N. Marais, Time domain analysis of EM fields using FEM and FDTD, The 2009 South African IEEE AP/MTT Conference, March 2009, (Invited paper, abstract only).
  • D.B. Davidson and N. Marais, Finite Element Modelling of Electromagnetic Fields in the Time Domain, African Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sun City, South Africa, Jan 2009, 8 (Keynote talk, abstract only).
  • download external N. Marais, D.B. Davidson, Numerical Evaluation of High Order Finite Element Time Domain Formulations in Electromagnetics, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 56, Number 12, December 2008, pp. 3743--3751.
  • download external N. Marais, D.B. Davidson, Conforming Arbitrary Order Hexahedral/Tetrahedral Hybrid Discretisation, IET Electronics Letters, Vol 44, Number 24, 20 November 2008, pp. 1384--1385.
  • N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Implicit/Explicit Time Domain Hybrid FEM Methods for Microwave Electromagnetics, 9th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, Bonn, Germany, May 2008, 8 (Abstract only).
  • download external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, A Comparison of Some Finite Element Time Domain Formulations in Electromagnetics, 10th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA’07, September 2007, 814--817.
  • download external N.Marais, Driving and Extending Legacy Codes using Python - [EM Programmer’s Notebook], IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol 49, Number 1, February 2007, pp. 140--148.
  • external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Comparison of Time Domain FEM Formulations, 8th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering, Stellenbosch, South Africa, May 2006, (Abstract only).
  • external N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Object Oriented Extension of Legacy Numerical Software with Python, CHPC National Meeting and 5th BELIEF Symposium, Sandton, South Africa, April 2006, (Abstract only).
  • download N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Driving and Extending Legacy Codes using Python, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) conference, Miami, USA, March 2006.
  • download external N. Marais, D.B. Davidson, Numerical Evaluation of Hierarchical Vector Finite Elements on Curvilinear Domains in 2-D, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 54, Number 2, February 2006, pp. 734--738.
  • D.B.Davidson, M.M. Botha, N Marais, Recent progress with vector elements for RF and microwave finite element applications, Proceedings of Joint 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications ICEAA'05 and the 11th European Electromagnetics Structures Conference EESC'05, Torino, Italy, Sept. 2005, pp. 837-840. (Invited paper.).
  • N. Marais and D.B. Davidson, Higher order vector bases and curved geometries in FEM: a numerical study, 7th Finite Elements Workshop for Microwave Engineering, Madrid, Spain, May 2004, (Abstract only).