TAUSC 2008

 Technical Aerospace and Unmanned Systems Conference 2008

 17 – 19 November 2008, Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West, South Africa


ECSA CPD Registration Number: AeSSA 08-0004-09

Welcome to the TAUSC 2008 Website

AMD, ARMSCOR, The NACOE and Stellenbosch University are pleased to announce TAUSC 2008 to be held at the  Lord Charles Hotel , Somerset West, Republic of South Africa from 17 to 19 November 2008.

 Since 2004, this conference has been addressing the need for a truly in-depth and international technical discussion forum on Aerospace and Unmanned Systems within the South African context. Attendees will have the opportunity to exchange technical information and understanding of future requirements, technologies and solutions both on a formal and informal basis, free from dedicated marketing.  The scope of the conference includes aerospace, surface and underwater vehicle technologies. Participants will be relevant decision makers and technical staff / engineers from both industry and the operational environment. Approximately 60 presentations will be made by carefully selected professionals focussing on the following technical areas:  

     -Vehicle and Systems Development
-Operational Evironment
-Surface and Sub-surface Vehicle
  and Systems Development
-Sensors and Communication
-Dynamics and Control
-Systems and Safety
-Aerodynamics and Structures

Announcement and Call for Abstracts:   TAUSC2008.pdf  (50kB)

Conference Programme:   Programme.pdf  (138kB)

TAUSC 2008 Brochure:   Brochure.pdf  (618kB)

Submission of Abstracts (closed)

You are invited to contribute a 20 minute presentation at the conference. Please submit your abstract before 1 July 2008 (max 200 words). The abstracts will be reviewed and you will be contacted by the technical and editorial staff. Please see the SUBMISSION link for more information. 

Dedicated Student / Industry Day

The 3rd day of the conference will allow graduate students from various universities to present papers on their research activities. Industry representatives are invited to take part in this occasion where we showcase, prepare and guide our next generation of engineers and scientists. These presentations were very well received by the 2007 delegates.


As before, the conference will be registered for Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). 

Events and Networking

The conference organisers strongly believe in drawing our community together and providing a forum where networking may take place. As such, the conference will include ample discussion breaks as well as two organised social functions: A cocktail evening at the end of Day 1 and a wine farm excursion at the end of Day 2.  These activities are included in the registration fee. 

Who Should Attend?

Technology managers & acquisition experts (users and developers), research and development scientists and engineers, academics and representatives from research and development funding agencies. 

Registration and Fees

Thanks to our generous sponsors, conference fees are set at R2 000 per person (VAT not applicable). All attendees receive a formal invoice to help facilitate corporate payments. Registration information may be found <here> or can be requested by email from Ms. Hannelie van Wyk at hvanwyk@sun.ac.za . Presenters will be exempt of conference fees, but must still register for the conference. The conference organisers have negotiated a reduced accommodation fee for attendees who wish to stay at the NH Lord Charles Hotel (please see website). Please state that you are attending TAUSC 2008 when making your booking in order to take advantage of the discounted rates.




Francois Denner, NACoE

Neels Fourie, Armscor

Simphiwe Hamilton, AMD

Thomas Jones, Stellenbosch University





Frank Sutherland




Registration and Organisation

Hannelie van Wyk





South African Aerospace Maritime and Defence Industries Association (AMD)


National Aerospace Centre of Excellence (NACoE), an Initiative of the dti


Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor)


Stellenbosch University Centre of Expertise in Autonomous Systems




National Aerospace Centre of Excellence (NACoE), an Initiative of the dti


Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor)



TAUSC 2008

Room E406

Dept E&E Engineering

Stellenbosch University

Banghoek Rd



Republic of South Africa









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